Argan Oil Facts – so that you can make the right decision!
In order for you to buy the best argan oil pay attention to the quality difference the raw material of the argan seeds and the method of oil extraction!
The argan tree grows exclusively in Morocco, namely in an area called Arganeraie. It includes about 8000 km2 and is a UNESCO biosphere reserve since 1998 – a protected area in which sustainable economic development is practiced. For this reason even non-organic certified argan oil corresponds with the organic standards or better said: the organic certification does not necessarily promise excellent argan oil.
What should you pay attention to for making the right decision if you want to buy quality? For the joy about saved expenses does not last as long as the joy about quality products. Evaluate our argan oil according to the following criteria:

1. Inquire the quality of the raw materials!
Argan Seeds from Argan Almonds 1st Premium Quality
- The argan almonds have a particular size, look flawless, do not have a beginning of mold due to correct storage.
- he argan oil extracted from these almonds has its typical pleasant odor and taste. You receive light, delicate oil.
- Self-evidently, the price is influenced by the quality.
Argan Seeds from Argan Almonds 2nd Quality
- The argan almonds are rather small, are damaged or are likely get moldy due to poor storage.
- The argan oil extracted from these almonds have an unpleasant odor and taste, it scratches in the throat and contains less active ingredients.
- Accordingly the price of the argan oil is lower.
2. Is the argan oil extracted manually or by machine?
- Manually extracted argan oil is of a bit lower quality than the machine extracted oil. The manual extraction requires the addition of water, which reduces the minimum durability of the argan oil.
- The selection of the argan almonds during the manual extraction is uncontrolled.
- The manually extracted argan oil is in the medium price range.
- Argan oil from gentle machine extraction maintains its naturalness. This means it is extremely high in active ingredients, has a soft texture, yellow color and a delicate greasy odor and taste.
- It is perfectly suitable as cooking oil.
- The small yield, the richness in active ingredients as well as the quality of the argan seeds keep machine extracted argan oil in a high price range.
- You can fond more information under "Our Quality"
3. Solvent-extracted Argan Oil
- Unfortunately, argan oil is also chemically extracted (maceration) by exposing the powdered argan almonds to a harmful solvent, such as hexane. Argan oil is won with a higher yield, but it contains traces of solvents that are detracted by heating the oil. Through the addition of heat the argan oil looses a big amount if its valuable active ingredients, which are replaced by addition of synthetic substances.
- Remain of a small, but unhealthy rest of solvent in the oil. im Öl;
- The selection of the raw material of the argan almonds is uncontrolled.
- The lower quality of the thus extracted argan oil reflects in the lack of odor and color, the low amount of moisture, active ingredients and antioxidants.
- Not suitable as cooking oil!
- Uncontrolled quality of the raw materials, chemical residues and very low amount of active ingredients place this argan oil in the lowest price range.
4. Further Processing
- After the extraction further processed argan oil, like refining or deodorizing, reduces it from important active ingredients, as well and makes it of inferior quality.
- Argan oil of the highest quality is filtered exclusively gently.. In this process all active ingredients remain entirely.
More Important Facts
- In order to extract 1l of argan oil 2,7 kg of argan almonds of best quality are required.
- 36 kg of argan fruits result in 25 kg of argan almonds, but only 2,7 kg of argan seeds, from which only 1 l of argan oil is extracted.
Premium-Argan Oil from Bionaturehouse – Machine Extracted from Raw Materials of 1st Premium Quality
- 1st cold extraction from raw materials of 1st Premium Quality. This means Bionaturehouse argan oil has the typical pleasant odor and taste – a delicacy for the palate and a blessing for the lover of natural cosmetics;
- Machine extracted, this means minimum duration of 24 months (laboratory-confirmed);
- Highest amount of natural active ingredients without any chemical residue – we dissociate from the extraction with solvents and further processing (refining, deodorizing) of our argan oil;
- Exclusively gentle filtration produces high quality argan oil that contains all active ingredients.